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Enchanting Harmony Ball with discreet, gentle melody
Harmonising, relaxing sound
Nickel silver (alpaca) with 10% silver
Waxed fabric cord
Made in Mexico

The gentle melodies of the small cosmos harmony ball necklace vibrate gently when you place it around your neck and move with it. The relaxing vibrations spread discreetly, slowing you down and harmonising you.

The metal combination of nickel silver (alpaca) with a 10% silver content is responsible for the gentle sound of our cosmos sound ball necklace. Thanks to the high-quality material, the angel callers ring in a particularly enchanting, almost magical way.

The ethereal sounds of the cosmos meditation ball are enchanting and can take you away from everyday life into a fabulous world full of elves, angels and spirits. This is probably why they are called angel callers or elf chimes.

Angel callers probably originated in Mexico. Here, ringing metal bells have a long tradition. Even before the Spanish conquest, numerous finds indicate that bells were often used. They were worn directly on the body, such as on wrists and ankles or as a necklace. The pear-shaped bells were also attached to items of clothing to make them ring. Sounds in particular seem to have played an important role in everyday and religious life. The sound of bells was associated with fertility and the cycle of life and death. The delicate and powerful melodies were probably intended to protect against ominous deities and maintain the natural harmony between chaos and order.

It is therefore not surprising that the sound of the harmony ball is still very popular in Mexico today. With the arrival of the Catholic Spaniards, the divine powers changed, so that people now tend to try to ward off threats with the help of angels. For this reason, Mexican women like to wear a ‘Llamador de Angeles’ - an angel caller - during and after pregnancy. Placed on the belly as an amulet, the gentle melodies of the chimes are said to call the personal angels of mother and child to protect their lives. On the other hand, the gentle tones have a calming and balancing effect on the expectant mother. As the unborn child can already perceive the first sounds from the 16th week of pregnancy, it will love the gentle and harmonious sounds of the angel callers just as much as we do.

The Kosmos Harmony Ball Necklace comes with a waxed fabric band of approx. 50 cm (19").

Kr 290,- NOK
Lev. Prodnr: - Id: 214548