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Slotted shaker with glass bead filling
Small, handy shaker in barrel shape
With a loud sound
Variable sound through slots
Sustainable jackfruit wood
Treated with maintenance oil only
You can play a variety of rattling rhythms with our wooden barrel shaker. The small glass beads with which the shaker is filled produce a loud, balanced sound that can be easily modulated using a variety of shaking techniques. The slots allow you to play open and closed. All you have to do is open or close your hands when shaking. And then you can enjoy the powerful sound spectrum.
The jackfruit wood used is ideal for the sound of the slotted wooden shaker. It sounds clear and loud. The shimmering golden-brown wood has been treated exclusively with oil, which protects it and makes it more durable. Even though jackfruit wood is quite weather-resistant, we recommend protecting the shaker from moisture and treating it with a splash of oil - e.g. olive oil - from time to time.
Our slotted wooden barrel is particularly sustainable as it is made from the wood of the jackfruit tree, which is not grown in monocultures. This is because the jackfruit tree grows in mixed cultures with different types of fruit and is primarily cultivated for its huge fruit and seeds.
Small, handy shaker in barrel shape
With a loud sound
Variable sound through slots
Sustainable jackfruit wood
Treated with maintenance oil only
You can play a variety of rattling rhythms with our wooden barrel shaker. The small glass beads with which the shaker is filled produce a loud, balanced sound that can be easily modulated using a variety of shaking techniques. The slots allow you to play open and closed. All you have to do is open or close your hands when shaking. And then you can enjoy the powerful sound spectrum.
The jackfruit wood used is ideal for the sound of the slotted wooden shaker. It sounds clear and loud. The shimmering golden-brown wood has been treated exclusively with oil, which protects it and makes it more durable. Even though jackfruit wood is quite weather-resistant, we recommend protecting the shaker from moisture and treating it with a splash of oil - e.g. olive oil - from time to time.
Our slotted wooden barrel is particularly sustainable as it is made from the wood of the jackfruit tree, which is not grown in monocultures. This is because the jackfruit tree grows in mixed cultures with different types of fruit and is primarily cultivated for its huge fruit and seeds.